Monday, April 8, 2013

It is Lucas who is giving me a hard time with this challenge.

His daddy did give him chocolates after lunch.

No more chocolate for this baby.

Friday, April 5, 2013

This is so hard.

I think I'm almost borderline in shouting for the whole day.

God, please give me the strength and the patience to do this.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gave in. Shouted for like a second.

Lucas is still awake!!!!!
Omg! And still so kulit!

Haaay so tempted to shout na.

Sleeping time.

Everyone is still awake!!!
Baby is going under his mattress again |:<

Then Mikel keeps on making excuses to go out the room. First, drink water, then he wants to pee. When before we went in to sleep, we already did all that.

God is testing me.

So during dinner time today, Lucas made me raise my voice. He was whining/crying for something (apparently I didn't know what it was he wanted). I gave him everything on the table! He didn't like anything. But he was gesturing for something. Oh well. How I wish he can talk already, so there wouldn't be any more misunderstanding.

I don't consider it shouting. I stopped the second I realized I was raising my voice.
Was almost about to shout, but just contained myself last minute when Baby Lucas was so stubborn in going out of our room.

What I do to get out of it?

I sing my frustrations and stress away!

Yep,it sounds weird. Like we have an opera at home LOL
My son is currently whining coz he lost his bakugan toy.


First 10 hours.

First post.

So far so good.

It's only been 10 hours since I've committed myself to not shouting. Most hours my kids were sleeping anyway.

I normally do my shouting during eating time (breakfast, lunch, dinner) coz my son Mikel is so slow in eating. Lucas throws his food when he doesn't like it. He also spills his water coz it looks fun (well, not for me).

Lunch is yet to come (waiting for the fish to marinade as I type). Breakfast is over. Fed Lucas Koko Krunch (w/o the milk) while on his high chair watching us eat real food. Haha! Mikel woke up late, so made hii eat also Koko Krunch while watching TV. Didn't wanna stress on the first day of my commitment. I know I can't avoid it forever.

Another thing that usually ticks me off is when my baby Lucas goes under his playpen mattress. This morning he kept on doing it, and I didn't care. As long as he's not getting hurt, I guess why not let him have some fun, right? Hubby saw it too, and he was the one who shouted. lol. Feels great to actually be on the calmer side.

Lunch soon. Hope it goes well.